5 Habits That Can Stain Your Teeth?
A healthy smile comes from sparkling white teeth. Everyone likes to flaunt their pearly whites, but having stained teeth can significantly affect your confidence. We usually fail to recognise our habits that may influence teeth staining. Let us review what can cause a dental stain.
1. Consuming Teeth-Staining Beverages and Foods
Coloured compounds such as chromogens and tannin in foods and drinks with heavy pigments can stain your teeth since the enamel is naturally porous and can absorb those pigments. Any food that taints your fingers is likely to stain your teeth. The typical dental staining foods and beverages are:
- Black Tea or Coffee
- Red Wine
- Soft Drinks
- Dark Coloured Fruit Juices
- Beetroots
- Dark Coloured Berries
- Pasta Sauces
- Coloured Candies
Brushing and rinsing your teeth after consuming such edibles may decrease the chances of getting dark stains on your tooth enamel.
2. Not Drinking Enough Water
Not drinking the recommended amount of water can cause dehydration , gum diseases and sometimes cavities.. Saliva’s function is to lubricate your throat and remove debris from the tooth. A dry mouth and lack of saliva can make your tooth enamel vulnerable to stains and cavities. Drink water as you feel thirsty to avoid teeth stains and other dental issues.
3. Smoking
Smoking harms the health of a person in general. However, a smoker’s teeth are highly vulnerable to staining. The primary cause of staining by smoking is the existence of nicotine and tar. Over time, these two substances enter your teeth’ enamel and discolour your teeth. Not just staining, a person who smokes regularly can increase the chances of gum disease, tooth decay and, at times, tooth loss.
4. Poor Oral Hygiene
A healthy oral routine causes a smile that shines. Forgetting to brush or floss your teeth regularly can increase the risk of dental staining and other dental conditions, including gum diseases and cavities. Practising proper oral hygiene can help reduce the risk of stains on your teeth.
5. Remember! With Dental Stains, Preventive Care is The Only Key
Multiple causes can make your teeth lose their brightness. Yet, you can always focus on preventive care to avoid tooth discolouration. Honing healthy habits combined with 6 monthly dental clean-ups can prevent tartar buildup from causing severe stains. Some other preventive measures include,
- using a straw while drinking pigmented beverages
- frequent mouthwash to rinse anything that may stick to your tooth
- brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day
- seeking help to quit smoking
- opt regular dental check-ups
Get in touch with Prodental Melbourne and benefit from compassionate and caring practices. Our dentists can help you know more about teeth staining and its treatments to achieve and maintain a bright and happy smile.
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